Which twin has the Toni?
Finally, I have some FOs to post! Also, because I just noticed the "add image" button on this blog, I can indeed post some pictures.
These are my 'Later Gator' mittens from Stitch n Bitch Nation. One pair, made with the recommended yarn (Cascade 220), was an Xmas gift for my stepdaughter Karmellah, who loved them. The second pair I made for my friend Jean, but haven't seen her to give them to her yet. She so loved Karm's pair when I brought them in to work, wearing them to bring papers in to attorneys' offices, that I had to make a pair for her. I made her pair with Lion Brand Wool-Ease. People may disagree with me on this, but I preferred working with the Wool-Ease. I think it made for a softer mitten. I would say that the W/E is easier care, but I don't think I'd throw something with wiggle eyes (which I always call "googly eyes", but never pronounce the 2nd g, so it comes out "ghouly eyes") into the washing machine.
Can you tell the difference?

Let me know if you can tell the difference. That would mean that people actually read my blog, and would make me ever so happy!
These were fun to knit. I don't recall my start and end dates, but each pair took me less than 2 weeks of knitting mostly in the evenings, sometimes at lunch, and of course at my weekly Stitch n Bitch (I may soon start going to a 2nd one). Starting them off was a little wonky, because dpns are often clumsy to use at first. Making the teeth was a new experience for me (French knots), but was ever-so-easy. I would make these again, if asked for a pair.
Action shot!!!!!!

I thought it would be amusing to put Solvie in the picture. She tried to play with it, though, and I couldn't give damaged mittens as an Xmas present! Both recipients have cats, so the mittens could be used as playthings at some point.
On the sticks now: the "Basic Cable" hat from SnBN. I'm close to 1/2 way done. I'm using some cheap-o Red Heart dark pink and light pink yarn, and some off-white yarn I got at a yard sale. This is how I am learning cables. Y'all are gonna laugh at me about this one. I didn't quite grasp the concept of making cables; I put the required # of stitches on the cable needle, and went on knitting, repeating until I had 8 cable needles hanging off my work. I thought you were supposed to pick up the stitches held on the cable needle on the next round, rather than after you knit the stitches after placing stitches on the cable needle. Oh, well, the instructions were about as confusing as my description of my misinterpretation of said instructions. I hope your eyes didn't cross reading this.
Oh, yeah, and my first try I somehow turned the first 8 or so rows into a Mobius. Yeah, don't ask.
Coming soon (maybe even later tonight): pictures of my finished Hopeful! I promise!!!
Me again. I just re-read (i.e. read completely) this post and your description of your cabling experience made me laugh, (but not in a mean way) just that I could picture it. I had the toughest time trying to wrap my head around cabling. But then, suddenly it clicked and I can't figure out what I didn't understand!
Do you have pics?
No pics yet, but I just started the decreases and hopefully will have pics later today!
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