Knitting Pattern a Day Week 27 Review and PICTURE!!
I'm really glad that people enjoy my reviews. I don't know if anyone else reviews the pattern on this calendar, but I'd love to read their takes on it.
Monday, July 3 -- O Canada! Bag -- Well, I know that one of my readers will like this. ;-) I do think it is very cute; I've always loved the Canadian flag.
Tuesday, July 4 -- American Flag Decoration -- I wonder if anyone is planning to make this for next year's Independence Day? I didn't count the stars to see if there are 50; at first I thought they were embroidered but now I see they are beads. Good project for showing off one's patriotic spirit.
Wednesday, July 5 -- American Flag Dog Sweater -- This picture is really bloody funny; it's a Silky Terrier (I think) with an American flag sweater on. Yes, it is cute!
Thursday, July 6 and Friday, July 7 -- Sassy Summer Anklets -- Y'all know I'm a whore for sock patterns, and these are no exceptions. However, I tend to wear the thinnest socks possible in the summer (when I'm not wearing sandals), so I'd rather call these "Sassy Spring Anklets" or "Sassy Early Autumn Anklets". Silly me.
Saturday, July 8 and Sunday, July 9 -- Simple Elegance -- This is a pretty nice, snug-fitting tank top pattern. I don't know if there is enough summer left for me to make all the summer patterns I have accumulated. Maybe the calendars should have the winter patterns in the summer, and the summer patterns in the winter. What do you think?
That's it for this week's review! In the meantime, check this out:

This is the picture I couldn't post yesterday -- my progress on the lace camisole from Vintage Knits (that's it pictures on the cover). I've probably added another 1/2 inch to an inch to my knitting here. I put the yarn I'll use for the trip next to it so you can see the contrast.
Does anyone else have this book, and have you made anything from it? ZMrK gave it to me for Xmas 2004, just a few months after I started knitting, and I admit that I was intimidated by all the projects made with pricey yarn on small needles. I've since realized that (1) the yarn (mostly Rowan) isn't *that* pricey and (2) knitting on small needles isn't any different than knitting on large needles; it just takes longer. I'm hoping to have this camisole done by Labor Day. Why Labor Day? Just a random day I picked; it gives me two months to knit something sleeveless on small needles.
I made three t-shirt recons today. Two are based on patterns from the Generation T book I bought a month ago. I've got plans for more, but I needed to put some time into tomorrow's wardrobe (interview after work!!! 2nd interview!!! With attorneys!!!), post my review, shower, and eat dinner.
Oh yeah, we went to the Stone Zoo today. I've started a Flickr account, and hopefully will have time soon to put all my pics up for everyone to gawk at.
Ta ta for now,
My ears are burning. LOL
Love that O Canada! Bag.
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