Knitting Pattern-a-Day Calendar Week 22 Review + Some Yarn Porn
Here's the Week 22 Review of the Knitting Pattern-a-Day Calendar patterns.
Monday, May 29 and Tuesday, May 30 -- Not Your Ordinary Sock. I love socks. I not only love socks, I love sock patterns. It would generally go without saying that I love this pattern, however, I don't. I can't figure out what it is that turns me off to this pattern -- the colors? I like bright colors, and I think I've proven that. The garter stitch? That could be. When I figure out exactly what it is that I don't like, I'll let you all know.
Wednesday, May 31 -- May's Top-Down Triangle Edging. This reminds me of duck feet, which, of course, makes me go "squeeee!" Has everyone figured out yet that I love ducks?
Thursday, June 1 - Sonoma Tank. This is nice in a very simple way. I just would make it with a little bit of shaping. It's made out of silk, which I have a love/hate relationship with. I love how silk feels (for the most part) and I love the smell of silk; what it hate is its tendency to lose its shape and how sweaty it can sometimes be. I want to experiment a bit with soy silk and banana silk, though.
Friday, June 2 -- Lace Wedding Garter. Hee hee, I think this is really cute. Even though I'm already married (and didn't have a garter, nor did I toss a bouquet), I would probably make this, just because. . .
Saturday and Sunday, June 3 and 4 -- Pom Sari Cardi. Nice basic cardi. I'm more intrigued by the model's hair -- it's a silvery/grey color that I hope my hair becomes when and if it decides to go all the way grey. But the blue cardi looks wonderful on this model.
Oooh, and look -- Blogger is letting me post pictures again!!!
Here's my loot from last weekend's MA Sheep and Wool Festival:

And, just for you, Carine, here's a close-up of the pink and the green mohair:

That yarn dazzles my eyeballs!
So do you!
I don't like knitting socks. The only socks I can knit to fit my feet are tube socks.
I wish someone had warned me about silk BEFORE I knit my shrug.
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