BACON!!!! and news!
Have you noticed the big bacon craze lately? Bacon is everywhere!
Some of us even have bacon on our feet:

I actually finished these at the end of April, and uploaded them to Flickr about three weeks ago. I just haven't had much time to blog lately.
The reason I haven't had much time to blog lately is that we bought a home!!!!
See, we have some dear friends who live in this gorgeous townhouse in a nice little complex about a mile from where we live now. Once, last summer, when we were leaving one of their parties, I said to ZMrK, "The amount of space they have is exactly what we need." We then talked about how much we love the layout of their place, and that, on the chance one ever came up at a price we could afford, we may want to look into it.
Last December, a townhouse in their complex showed up while I was browsing Trulia at a price we could potentially think about. We discussed it. I got the name of a realtor. A couple of days later, the price on the townhouse dropped by about $15K. We made an offer.
After months and months of waiting (since this was being offered on a Short Sale, which are anything but), we finally closed on May 14. The price we got it at was another $12K less than the price it was when we made our offer. The Bank lowered the price -- we're not sure why.
Now, we do have to put some work into it. We've started by repainting. Since last Thursday, we've been spackling, sanding, cleaning and painting, and we're going to keep painting probably up to next weekend. We are also going to clean the carpets and, most likely, replace them. We're at least going to replace the carpets on the stairs and the second floor, because they are champagne colored and are gross.
We're doing fun stuff, too, like working out decor around the different rooms. The downstairs half bathroom (there are 2.5 bathrooms in this place!) is lavender, and we happened to find this trash can at a yard sale for $1. That little lavender half bathroom is going to have a cat theme. I've already ordered a switch plate for it, and I plan on getting the rug that matches the trash can (unless the measurements don't work out).
The third floor bathroom, which we don't plan on using much (except we may keep the litter box in there) is painted a really ugly piss yellow and the light bulbs in there have a yellow glow. Ugh. I have nothing against yellow, mind you -- I love the right shade of yellow. The more I look at this yellow, the less I like it. ZMrK has called it the "angry room" because he thinks it feels angry. The third floor will be the last floor we do anything on, but I've been thinking today about what color to repaint that room. Maybe we can do a softer yellow (and change those bulbs), or we can go completely different.
I joked with ZMrK today that we can paint big pink stripes on the walls to make it match this light switch plate. I'm actually thinking of a pin up theme for it, although I just told him that I should put it out of my mind and focus on what we need to do now.
These are the rooms we're keeping the colors in:
The living/dining room area (which is HUGE) is peach. The color we got (which we thought had match, and I discovered that our matching skills aren't so go) is much, much lighter than the one that was there, but I prefer it. The entry way and the stair way/landing/hall way upstairs is close to the same color, but no cigar. We're not sure if we'll do the same color, or something different. I was wondering if a very light tan would be okay.
The kitchen is pink. It's a very small, not-eat-in kitchen, so it won't be overwhelmingly screaming pink.
One bedroom (the one we'll be sleeping in) is a light raspberry color.
Second bedroom (which will be our library) is light blue, with teal trim and closet.
Second floor bathroom is the same teal as the trim/closet in the library. We'll be using our current rubber ducky shower curtain in there for now.
Third bedroom, which is on the third floor with the Angry Bathroom, is dark red. I also don't think anyone has lived in that room for months or even years. It had a thick layer of dust everywhere, including the ceiling fan and the walls. The paint job in there was total shit as well - pieces of dust must have been painted over because it's a bit pebbly. Like the Angry Bathroom, this room (which I'll call Red Room, like the spoof on The Shining's "Red Rum") is on our "low priority" list, but it's going to be a craft room/music studio eventually.
Speaking of crafts -- where will the yarn go? In the linen closet, of course! (Seriously, how many linens do two people need anyway?). I already bought some cedar lining to go in the shelves to keep it smelling fresh.
When I can, I will post updates on our home improvement, and I'll take some photos soon!