It appears my last post was of Rhinebeck, and even that was a few weeks late. Have I been that busy? Has home ownership melted my brain? Did I have a good holiday season?
Well, yes, I have, and after this weekend, I can go back to being a normal human being who watches what she eats and exercises.
First up, the weekend after Thanksgiving, we added a new member to our family. Meet Gibson:

He's about 1.5 years old, medium-to-long hair, brown/black neutered male with double paws in the front:

He's a damn sweetheart:

He was sick when we got him (upper respiratory infection, which is really common on shelter animals and really easy to take care of), so we didn't have a proper indication of how active he is. The boy is crazy! One of his favorite things to do (besides chase Luciano all over the house) is to run from one end of the crinkle tunnel to the other. He and Luciano are getting along okay, although Luciano will go and hide in the box spring when he's had enough. Ellie still has moments when she'll attack him for no reason. She tolerates him enough for them both to sleep on the bed with us.
It's been a long time (since 1994, to be exact) since I've had three cats, and the litterbox patrol is crazy! We have two boxes set up, and I wonder if we should add a third.
I do need to get more pics uploaded. My camera started acting up during the summer, and I haven't gotten off my ass to replace it yet. I was thinking of getting a Canon Rebel, but still wonder if those are over my head. I don't know if I want to take the time to learn how to take good photos. The point and shoot cameras are good for lazy people, but I don't like the lack of control I have. This camera still works, but it will sometimes turn itself on and off repeatedly, which in turn drains the battery and also makes me miss some shots. Pisses me right off.
I have many FOs to post as well, but I don't think this is the best post for that. I'll probably do a separate post for those, but I wanted to give Gibson a blog welcome, even if it is a month late.