Hurricane Sandy Knitting
Thanks to Hurricane Sandy giving me a day off (and lots of knitting time in the car over the weekend's visit to the Chiller Theatre convention), I was able to finish two of the five projects currently on my needles.
Project Number One -- Thermis
This is the one that should have made you laugh your ass off when I listed the things that I needed to finish. All that it needed was the ends woven in, and buttons sewn on, and I already had the buttons with the project since it was a re-knit. My excuse: I had to go all the way up to the third floor to find the thread that matched the buttons, and to get my sewing needles. It turns out, when I opened the hat box I keep my thread in, the matching thread was right on top since the buttons on the first knit of this had been the last thing that I had needed thread for.
So, here it is, and as an added bonus you get to see my Morning Face complete with red mark on my nose from my CPAP:

I will be really warm come the cold weather.
Project Number Two: Sleepknitting Socks.

I called these my Sleepknitting Socks, because it was a 2x2 rib that I could knit in my sleep.
I also wound my yarn for Color Affection, because the socks were my commuting project and I will need something simple to knit on the train (Color Affection seems like it would be fitting, plus I've been dying to cast on for this).

It's all Tilli Tomas sock yarn, and the colorways are on my stash page. (That's my way of saying that I can't remember the colorway names and am too lazy to go look it up, so if you need to know so badly then go look it up).
As for the storm, we fared pretty well here in the Dale. Part of a tree came down in the yard on the other side of my building, and there are some small branches here and there, and some sort of transformer blew out over the train tracks next to us (which is very loud and causes a huge flash -- yes, this happened before, a few months ago), but it was apparently not a danger to us.
Up until the transformer blew, the cats were acting as if it was just another day lounging around the house:



Around 7:30 p.m., I opened a window because I wanted to see what our parking lot looked like. This got both Ellie's and Gibson's interest, so I kept it open for a little bit so they could investigate:

Luciano was not at all interested (he's not much of a window kitty), and when I picked him up to show him, the wind picked up, so I put him down so I wouldn't get perforated. The wind freaked Gibson out a little, but Ellie stood her ground.
We survived Sandy without losing power at all, which I'm happy for. Hopefully the rest of this week will run as smoothly!