WIP it!
I bet nobody in the history of knit blogging has used the title "WIP it!" while showing pics of their works-in-progress. Nope, nobody. Not even the Yarn Harlot.
Feel free to kick me for that one.
I've been working on a few projects lately. Let's check them out, oldest first:
Boring Socks.

I call them Boring Socks because that's what they are. Knit 2, purl 2 ribbing for the cuff, heel flap, heel shaping, gusset shaping, the k2p2 for the top of the foot and knit the bottom until you do the toe shaping. I started them when I needed a project to work on on the train or at a knitting group.

Um, do I remember the name of this? No, I don't. Okay, I just went and checked my Ravelry projects page and its the Lacy Waves Top by Norah Gaughan.
I took the above photo on March 21, and the next day I went to my lovely Sunday knitting group and got a bit more progress done on it:

It's grown!!
It's about as exciting a knit at this point as the Boring Socks are, but I can knit it while watching TV, which is more than I can say for that Swallowtail Shawl.
Speaking of the Swallowtail Shawl. . . I ended up frogging it. Again. I couldn't tink back one stinking row, so I frogged, and ended up having to sacrifice a couple of yards because it tangled so much. I started it again, and have a ridiculously early lifeline in. That'll teach me!
I also practiced some crochet:

I know it's not great but it's a start. I think I want to move on to some granny squares. I'd love to make a blanket with some of the scraps of yarn I have laying around.
Has Ellie lost weight?

I don't think she has, yet, but we are trying to get her to reduce a little bit. Speaking of that, I need to reduce a bit as well. The pants I wore today are a wee bit snug around my bottom. I'm now on my 2nd day of making sure I get some exercise -- yesterday was a 40 min. workout at the gym, following by a 20 min. walk home. Today was a 30 min. walk through the hilly part of town home. I've been trying to get my eating habits back to normal and not eat so many damn sweets. I haven't made a goal yet, because I don't know how much I weigh.
The next question is, should I publish my weight on my blog and continue to publish my progress? Will that give me some accountability, or just set me up for failure? I'll tell you my size, right now, is a 10 or a 12, depending on the store. My size, when I started this blog is 2005, was a 4. My size in late 2003, when I started weight watchers, was too big for a 14 in the "regular" stores and too small for a 14/16 in the "big girl" stores.
Where do I want to be? Not a 4 again. I was so neurotic about my food intake that I must have been lots of fun to be around. I certainly don't want to be bigger. I'd guess around a size 8 or so would suit me.
Now, I'm hungry.