An (Almost) Finished Object! A Needle Case of me Very Own!

I used some grey vintage fabric that had very minor fading to it (probably was in a store window, or something), and some cool beige-and-orange fabric Brenda had given me.
It's a REALLY simple pattern. The instructions just say to make one piece this size x this size, next piece this size x this size, etc. The pattern does suggest using upholstery fabric because it is stiffer. I used cotton fabric with a couple of layers of interfacing between, and boy was that a mofo to sew! I think I am going to send my trusty sewing machine, Betty (named such because her brand is WHITE -- get it?) on a Carribean cruise to make up for all I put her through in the past day. Or at least give her a nice cleaning and oiling.

Here's a nice picture of my needles, chilling in their new home. The top flap came out about an inch short on either side -- I was lax about measuring things "exact" with this, as opposed to measuring things for a garment, where things have to be exact.
The only thing that is left to do on this is to make a tie for it. The pattern suggests using a ribbon, hand-sewing it on and wrapping it around there as you roll, then tying. I'll have to go to Windsor Button to see about a ribbon, or I might make an i-cord to use to tie. Opinions?
Karmellah gave me a lot of knitting needles; I think they were her Mom's. I already had most of the sizes, but it's really nice to have duplicates (or quinticates -- is that a word? -- in the case of size 10s!!!). When I got those, I realized that I HAD to organize my needles somehow, because my poor knitting basket is already overflowing with Malabrigo yarn, and the needles were taking up more room. I only have one of each size (plus a few dpn's) in the needle case; I have the rest in a bag in my craft room. If Karm decides she would like to take up knitting again, she has a stash of needles here!
On a closing note before I go to eat some lentil dahl and watch The Invisible Man, here's a pic of my needle case rolled up and hanging with the Crypt Keeper. Greetings, fright fans!!!

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