Knitting Pattern-a-Day Week 5 Review and Sweater Update
Here's the Week 5 Review of the Knitting Pattern-a-Day Calendar patterns:
Monday, January 30 -- Cable & Rib Cap. I like variations on basic things, as long as they still look good and aren't goofy. This is an example of a good variation on a basic. It looks much like Stitch n Bitch Nation's Basic Cable hat, except it alternates a cable and a rib (duh), does not have the pom-pom (although I'm sure one could be added), and appears to be a little bit longer (mine doesn't completely cover my ears). It also doesn't have the rib knit section on the bottom. Mike might let me make him this; I have some burgundy worsted-weight alpaca at home that I'd be willing to try it out with. (file under: hats)
Tuesday, January 31 -- Trellis and Ridges. This is just a stitch, as opposed to a complete, pattern. It's nice -- I could incorporate this into a lot of things, should I wish. I haven't quite gotten to the point where I improvise, adding bits to a pattern here and there, but I may use this as an edging some day. (file under: stitch patterns)
Wednesday, February 1 -- Match My Coat Cap. Silly title -- any cap can be knit to match your coat. The pattern, however, is very cute. Scratch that -- it is very, very cute. It's got a pinwheel top, a couple of raised contrasting ridges, and a fair isle-ish pattern. I've heard that knitting fair isle in the round can make one go bonkers, but considering I've never knit fair isle AT ALL, I wouldn't know. I'm going to keep this in mind as a "Christmas pressie" knitting pattern. (file under: hats)
Thursday, February 2 -- Americana Sampler Socks. This is a rare week. Every pattern so far is something I would make (or utilize). These socks are really cute; I like the idea of the sample stitch patterns because it would be a great way to help me learn. Plus I have leftover Cotton Fleece from my Hopeful sweater; I would just need some other colors for the fair isle. Then what's leftover from those colors I can use on some projects from The World of Knitted Toys. Everyone wins here! (file under: socks, patterns I love)
Friday, February 3 -- Americana Sampler Socks continued. . . Yup, I still like these! (file under: patterns that take up more than one day)
Saturday/Sunday, February 4 and 5 -- Neck Nestle. "This beaded scalloped edge Neck Nestle will chase away the wild winter blues with funky 60's style". I initially thought this was really stupid, but I swear a woman is wearing one in "Curse of the Cat People" (1944), and it looks really cute. (file under: Misc.)
This is a new feature, where I will keep track of how many of each type of project there is in this calendar. I'll update it weekly and the numbers reflect the entire year. I'm going to cross-reference, as well, so some of the "children's patterns" may end up in "sweaters", etc.
Socks: 4
Hats: 5
Scarves/Stoles: 5
Gloves/Mittens: 1
Purses: 1
Ponchos: 2
Sweaters: 3
Vests: 1
Children's Patterns: 4
Toys: 0
Pet Patterns: 1
Misc./What-the-#^*#?: 4
Slippers: 1
Stitch Patterns: 1
Patterns I Love: 4
Patterns I Hate: 3
Patterns Using Up More than One Day (excluding weekends): 3
Update on the Malabrigo Sweater and Other Stuff
I've come to terms with the fact that there is no way I am going to finish my sweater before I go to Puerto Rico (on Friday). It's not a big deal, because I wouldn't be wearing it there anyway. I will, however, be finished with it while it is still cold enough to wear it -- which is a bit of a record for me. I have one sleeve and the neckline left to knit, then I have to block each piece, finish it, and then do a second blocking (if necessary). I think it is going to be too big, which sure as hell beats too small. I just hope I don't look like a walrus in it.
I signed up to the February Birthday Swap on Craftster. It's an "unconditional swap", where you post what you hope to receive, when your birthday is, and if someone picks to make something for you, they have fourteen days to make and send it. I also chose to craft for someone else, but I can't mention it here in case she reads my blog. She wrote something so cute in her want list that I couldn't resist her. So, I have to send something by the 16th (a week and a half away), and I will be out of town for four days next week. I'm a little stupid that way. I have the materials, and know what I am going to make. I just hope it comes out the way I want it to. . . sometimes my abilities don't match my visions (obviously). I think I'm going to put aside the knitting for tonight and start it (plus I have all day tomorrow, and I hope like hell we don't plan on doing much).
I also have a pencil skirt in the works, but that can wait. I should pick it (and my cutting board) up off the craft room floor and put it aside though; it's got some pins in it that I would hate to step on. The rug in there probably has pins in it though; which is probably how our air mattress deflated.
Our snake, Sunny, had a medical emergency and spent the night at Angell Memorial. She's okay now, but Mike will have to medicate her every other day for a while. This is what she looks like:

Truth be told, she is a he, but we're so used to saying "she". We're not breeding, so I don't think it matters much. Sunny's a ball python, about 9 years old, nearly 5 feet long and weighing about 7 lbs. I've never had a snake before moving in here, and I'm learning a heck of a lot about them. I think she/he is a really beautiful animal.
Okay, I think it is time to get crafting, and get some tea that doesn't taste like beets (I like beets, but this tea is reminiscent of the part of the taste of beets that tastes like dirt, and I don't like it!). Oh, yeah, and dinner. A girl's gotta eat.
Ms. Snakey is doing fine today (Monday)
She'll be a bit ticked off at us tonight, though! Perhaps you should knit her a leg warmer to get comfy in! Because you don't have enough projects to work on!
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