Swap Goodies!!!
First off, I want to thank everyone for their help with my YO near-disaster. I painstakingly un-knit last night, and will hopefully have no further problems with Odessa.
I wanted to share my swap goodies with the world. I took part in the Dr. Seuss swap on Craftster.org. My swap partner, Kyttyee, lives about a mile from me, so we were able to exchange our swap goodies faster than other folks in the swap.
This is what she sent me.

I'm not sure why the picture is sideways. Argh!!! But hopefully you can see it.
She sent five earring and necklace sets, each with a different Seuss character. They are really cute! I'll need to take an "action shot" of me wearing them.
I have very little experience with jewelry making; I made a few pieces about 10 years ago that I should post at some point.
And here is what I sent to Kyttyee:

I made an embroidered applique of the Lorax with a pink tree behind him. I printed the Lorax picture onto fabric and embroidered the outline over him, and embroidered the tree freehand.
I made that into an applique, which I stitched onto some nice green pique cotton I had in my fabric stash (several yards; I think I deserve a nice summer dress), and made a bag based on a tutorial on Craftster by thejordy
Closeup of the applique:
I also made two Sculpey magnets. I sculpted them and later painted on the details. I suck at painting -- I really do! -- so I am very proud of the results:

I am really proud of my hummingfish. His eyes and nose are both made out of Sculpey, but I painted the "Trademark Seuss" pupils in. I also painted the rest of the details.

I feel really bad about this guy. I tried him out on my fridge, and the glue on the magnets wasn't dry yet, and he fell. His tail broke off, and it took about an hour to find it because it fell under the fridge and blended in with all the dust under there. ZantiMisterKnit was able to use epoxy to glue it back on, but I had to send the swap package without it. I promised Kyttyee that I owed her another magnet. The baby Horton can live forever on our fridge.
Because I am obnoxiously obsessed with my pets, here are a few more pictures of Solvie:

She was in the window this morning, peeking out at my through the drapes. I could not resist her and her cute little freckled nose!

Here she is blurry but still beautiful. She gets more and more photogenic every day, I think.

Even her paws inspire me. I have a similar picture of Zelia's paw; she doesn't have the werewolf tufts between her toes.
I really love the macro button on my camera.
Hopefull I will have some knitting content (like a finished Odessa hat!) the next time I blog!
xoxo. . . Zanti
I'm inspired to be in so many swaps now! Those are awesome projects - I especially love your sculpey magnets :)
wow those magnets are great!!
If you join a cat swap, don't swap the orange one... she's a keeper!
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