Last weekend was the finale of the Pine Street Inn Knit-A-Thon! I made a total of 12 squares, and was feeling very proud of myself for doing so, and then I saw women coming in with garbage bags full of squares and knew that I will need to do better next year.
Personally, I raised $380.00. As a whole, the Knit-a-Thon raised $35,000 for the Pine Street Inn!
It was fun!!! I helped put together a blanket with some of the other South End Knitters and we even had time to pose for a photo:

I had to leave at around 2:30-ish (I got there at 11 a.m.) so that Mike and I could spend some time in the great outdoors while it was a nice day (we went to nearby Allandale Woods, and found a salamander, but haven't updated our
other blog yet.)
I brought home a "blanket to go", so I could put together a blanket at home and deliver it to the Pine Street Inn when it's finished. My first step was to lay the blankets out on the futon so I could assign each square a place. It seems like I had plenty of help with this:

Mike also helped with the arranging and color-coordinating, but he stayed off the squares while he did that. Why do cats like to sit on whatever it is you are doing?
Luciano also tried to claim the bags the squares came in as his own:

I was having none of that, and the squares are back in the bag, in their assigned order (with numbers pinned to each one, just in case). I've been working on that periodically, along with the other projects I've mentioned in recent posts.
I'm sick today, and have been most of this weekend. During the week, I was blowing my nose a ton every other day, and sneezing but otherwise felt fine. I had a crappy night's sleep on Wednesday, and felt really tired on Thursday and Friday (but still, not entirely sick, although I did have a sore throat for a while on Friday). Here it is, Sunday, and my #1 symptom is still being tired. Sure, I have blown my nose quite a bit today, but I don't feel too bad other than being really tired. I don't have a fever, or any other H1N1 symptoms like chest discomfort, so I don't think it's that. I think it's just a cold with a nice added bonus of malaise.
I've been working on Mike's orange socks today, and have two whole pattern repeats of the leg done. One more to go, and I can start the heel flap! The more I knit it, the easier it gets.
I still haven't woven in the ends on the other side of the Weird hat. I guess the 90 minutes it took me to weave in the other side has turned me off to it. What sucks it that doing that and turning up the hem is ALL I have to do on this, and then I'm DONE!! I feel like a bit of a turd for not doing that tiny bit that's left. Hopefully I can finish that today while sitting on my ass and watching more movies.
I haven't spun since the last time I posted about spinning, nor have I blown the dust off the Swallowtail Shawl yet. I have had one request for a hat for Xmas, but otherwise I am hoping to only work on finishing the projects I have on my needles for the rest of 2009. I'll cast on something new on January 1, 2010, but nothing new unless I finish everything I have on the needles before then! Can I do that?
Now I just need to figure out what to put in the DVD player when I return to sitting on my ass and knitting. I already watched "Prison a Go Go" (which I recommend, since it's hilarious!) and all of the extras. I finished my current disc of "Beverly Hills, 90210" from Netflix yesterday. Now I need another great, trashy, funny film to watch - zombies optional.
Labels: ellie, knit-a-thon, knitting, luciano, movies, zombies