I have accepted the blogstalking challenge! There be feet!!!

I'm also using this challenge to show off part of my new (yet old) drum kit. It's a 1971 Ludwig, the same kit Ringo Starr played. It's belonged to my BIL since he was a kid, and is the kit he played in the bands he was in with ZMrK (Skeletones here in Boston, and possibly Easy Shark back in Rome, NY -- ha! ZMrK is gonna
scold me for this!). So, Jeff had to shipped from where they were in Nebraska to us, since he is living in Istanbul indefinitely. We just have to ship our kit (a mid-60s Westwood that cost us about $75) back to his friend Eddie. I'm really excited to have this kit, excited enough to start playing again. The downer of it is that the kit and the boxes (and now the upstairs part of our apartment) smell like cigarette smoke. Eddie must be quite the smoker. I'm hoping it dissipates soon, and I hope the smell doesn't go on to my yarn and my fabrics, all of which are in the same room.

I wonder who the first commenter will be who says, "Girrrrrll -- you need a pedicure, ASAP!", 'cuz I know my toenail polish is really chipped. I also know my feet have imprints on them from wearing my socks (my own handknits from last spring, even though it's warm enough for me to go with a lighter sock). I'll tell ya something though -- glitter nailpolish is three times as hard to get off as regular nailpolish. Plus, I'm lazy and it's been too cold to wear sandals, so I don't really care if it's chipped. I don't even have nailpolish on my baby toenail any more, but I practically don't have a baby toenail (and I have a little fat baby toe).
Tools will be posted when Blogger lets me post more pictures!!!
We're drooling over your Ludwig over here at Chez Segal. :-)
Do knitting needles make good drumsticks?
I think my size 15s could make good drumsticks, but they would become all nicked by the cymbals.
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