Consider Yourselves Flashed!
Today is the day!!! Flash Your Stash 2007!
This is the first time I've participated, and even though my stash doesn't fill up a VW Bug, it does fill up a queen sized bed:

If you link from the photos into flickr, you can see them in thier original huge size (use "all sizes"). I also added a note into each photo, because there's a little extra surprise in there, if you care to see it.
Boy, blogging before coffee when you have a cold and you were up late at a wedding where the groom did NOT walk down the aisle to "Slow Ride", despite his threat to, is a little difficult.
Even though I had already unpacked yarn into my stash hutch, it was really unorganized and just looked bad. Plus I had more yet to unpack! (Really, an air conditioner box filled with mostly old yarn and acrylic).
So, I organized stuff, with the bottom shelf stuff being what I may use the soonest, and stuffing all the yucky acrylic onto the top shelf. Voila!

It looks organized, right? Does it look like it's all about to spill out on top of me? It might look that way because it is.
I have something more to share. No, that ultrasound is not my baby, and I find it amusing that I got a couple of you with that! I didn't even mean it as an early april fool's joke.
What I mean to share, and I think y'all may feel a bit let down when you find out what it is. . .
is. . .

Yes, it's Miss Zelia, snoozing among the stash!! Nope, she never moved, during the entire time that I put the stash on her or when I took it off her. This should probably be a stuff on my cat submission.
Now I have to see other peoples' stash (okay, maybe after breakfast and coffee. . . )
Labels: fys2007
yay! great stash!!
Kitty in the stash!!!
I am so envious of that stash hutch. It's so much prettier than my big plastic boxes...
Oooh! What is that stuff to the right of the Miss Zelia? It's a pretty maroonish/yellowish that fiber? I think I must have some...just point me in the direction of where to buy....
Damn you...enabling thru flashing of stash!! :)
I love the stash on the cat pic. :)
I do so admire your four legged stash enhancement mechanism!
Oh wow!!! I don't know what I'm impressed with more: the size of your stash or the fact Zelia slept thru the whole thing?!
Now that's one cool kitty! I'm envious of the yarn hutch and would love to spend the night--no need to move the yarn..
What a sweet kitty. Mine would be pawing through all that yarn!
Love the yarn hutch, and the yarn of course! What a pretty kitty and so well behaved to sit like that! LOL:)
Very patient kitty! ;) I'd love that yarn hutch too! :)
WOW! That's a sweet stash! I need to bag mine like that, it's a mess.
DEFINITELY submit that to stuff on my cat!!
Aaaaaw, cute kitty!
I don't know what that day glo green yarn in the left corner is, but I want some!
Hee hee, hey there Ziploc buddy! ;) What a fab stash! And LOL and Miss Zelia zoning out in the midst of it! Reminds me of the closet scene in E.T. ;)
Beautiful stash and cute kitty!
Such a nice stash.
I still love the yarn hutch.
If only my cat had stayed asleep throughout my flashing! Instead she punctured three different ziplocs and wouldn't stay in her cute pose in the empty yarn bin when I went to take her picture. But enough about me. Let's talk about you, and your fabulous stash!
Nice stash you got there missy!
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