For Sachi's Viewing Pleasure. . .

Here's the whole drumkit. . . Ludwig kit, Istanbul cymbals. . . HEY! That husband of mine set it up righty!
Well, we have to fix a hole in the wall behind the kit before I can get playing, or the neighbors will be HATING us. There's a 5-foot space in between our house and theirs. There used to be a dog living in there, and whenever I started playing, the dog would start barking. Now someone different lives there, and I don't think I've played since they moved in.
We also have to pad the drums, so they won't be so loud.
It'll be great to own our own house, preferably with a basement or a smallish room we can soundproof and I can play unpadded. Preferably without other houses attached to ours.
In order news, I just pulled the trigger on some solid sock yarns from Cherry Tree Hill, available through the Labor Day Sale here. I wasn't planning on buying more yarn, but what the heck, eh? I'm still considering one of their grab bags of "orphans" for $30/lb, but I probably won't do that since I have so many one-skeins lying about from fiber fests past, and Oooh! Rhineback is coming up!
I think I've committed myself to going, so maybe I should try to find a hotel in the Catskills region.
Heeheehee! Mmmmm.... Istanbul..... M likes!
Yarn is great for stuffing drums. And fiber for spinning is brilliant.
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