I'm a Roving Lunatic!
Blame ZMrK for that pun!
We didn't get much sun yesterday, so I had to photograph all of my fiber purchases from Connecticut Sheep and Wool inside.
This is a nice self-portrait I took at the end. I call it "Yarn, A Cat, and a Girl".

Here's a close up of that yarn. 300 yards of "Zephyr", merino/silk, in a gorgeous color called "Garnet". Purchased from "A Touch of Twist" (Pattersonville, NY).

And from the same shop, 200 yards of "Alpaca Lite" in a gorgeous color called "Red Violet".

I don't remember what vendor I bougth this from, but it's about 4 oz of Corridale roving.

8 oz. of 70% merino, 30% silk in color "red" from Criations of Hampden Hills Alpacas.

2.8 oz. blue angora. The photo does not do this fiber justice. The fact that the fabric I have it on is *white* and not *pink* should tell you something. Purchased from the Mad Hatter Woolery, who do not have a web page as far as I know. They're in Tolland, CT, though.

2 oz. pure white angora top. Also purchased from the Mad Hatter Woolery.

I don't know what the content of this is, but it's hot pink and it's soft and it was $1. There's probably 2 oz. Maybe I can spin it with the white angora.

Alpaca!!!! Don't you want to just dive right in? 4 oz. natural light brown alpaca purchased from Palmer Family Farm of Tolland, CT. I don't think they have a web site, but if you google them you can find contact info.

4 oz. merino/tencel in color "Dusk" from The Sheep Shed @ Mountain View Farm of New Boston, NH. They're going to be at the NH Sheep and Wool Fest, so maybe I should use this to see if I like it.

4 oz. merino/tencel in color "Sunrise", from The Sheep Shed @ Mountain View Farm. ZMrK went off, allegedly "to the bathroom", and bought this for me while I was waiting to buy something else. You know, I would still love him just as much as I do now even if he wasn't such an enabler. But I love how he enables me.

If 50s horror comics weren't so expensive, I'd enable him too.
Now, I'll leave you with a video I made on Saturday, of a sheepdog trial.
Labels: fiber pr0n, Sheep and Wool Fests, yarn pr0n